Webinar on ALDE Charter of Values
In 1976 Liberals and Democrats in Europe (then ELDR now ALDE) agreed the Stuttgart Declaration on the liberal values that bound the member parties together. It was also a precursor for a Manifesto for the first European Parliament Elections, and so covers some policy areas too.
Whilst ALDE has reviewed and published EP Election manifestos ever since, it has not reviewed the Values set out in the in Stuttgart Declaration. ALDE Bureau agreed in Jan 2023 that it would consult on an updated Charter of Values, which will be considered in March 2024 by ALDE Congress at the same time as they approve the Manifesto for the 2024 EP election. At that Congress the Liberal Democrats and other non-EU parties will not be voting on the Manifesto, but the Charter of Values covers ALDE as a whole,
Sal Brinton has chaired the Review Working Group of 14 people, covering a political and geographic spread (including EU and non-EU member parties) which presented its draft to ALDE Congress in Stockholm in May 2023. She will be leading a consultation on 13th November with members of the Liberal Democrats.
Sign up for the webinar at this link.