Your new LDEG Executive

At our AGM, the Lib Dem European Group elected a new executive, as laid out below. We also still have some vacancies for a few positions, so please reach out to if you want to find out about how to get involved. More information on executive members can be found soon on the 'LDEG Team' section of our website
Elected Executive members:
Chair: Rob Harrison
Treasurer: David Chalmers
Membership Officer: Victoria Evans
Vice-Chair (Campaigns): Sean Bennett
Vice-Chair (Communications): Vacant
Secretary: Ulysse Abbate
Non-portfolio officer: Irina Von Wiese
Non-portfolio officer: Adrian Trett-Hyyrylainen
Non-portfolio officer: Mark Johnston
Non-portfolio officer: Sir Graham Watson
Scottish representative: Jacqueline Bell
Wales representative: Vacant
London representative: Richard Wagenländer
North East England representative: Vacant
North West England representative: Mark Clayton
Yorkshire and the Humber representative: Vacant
East Midlands representative: Vacant
West Midlands representative: Phil Bennion
South Central representative: Vacant
South East representative: Nick Hopkinson
East of England representative: Nick Hollinghurst
Devon and Cornwall representative: Vacant
Western Counties representative: Vacant
Congratulations to all our new executive members!