What we do
What the Liberal Democrat European Group does for you What the Liberal Democrat European Group does for you As an Affiliated Organisation to the Liberal Democrats, one of our purposes is to…
What the Liberal Democrat European Group does for you What the Liberal Democrat European Group does for you As an Affiliated Organisation to the Liberal Democrats, one of our purposes is to…
About LDEG About LDEG We aim to achieve the objects set forth in the Preamble to the Federal Constitution of the Liberal Democrats, support the election of Liberal Democrats as Members of…
Liberal Democrat European Group Campaigns LDEG Campaigning on all fronts The Liberal Democrats know the value that the EU brings to member states, and brought the UK before 2020. Despite the close…
As part of our aim to give members and supporters a full grasp of Europe and what Liberals and Democrats get up to in the continent, we give the opportunity for writers to produce opinion pieces…
Liberal Democrats and ALDE As a party that supports the European Project, the Liberal Democrats work a lot with our sibling parties in Europe, principally through the ALDE Party, (which we are a…
Liberal Democrat European Group at Conference In March 24, Liberal Democrats from across the country and beyond met in York for our Spring Conference. With internationalism being one…
Liberal Democrat European Group Constitution As a party that is dedicated to transparency, we publish our constitution so that all members and interested parties can fully understand how the…